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耕莘文教基金會(Cardinal Tien Cultural Foundation)
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耕莘文教基金會(Cardinal Tien Cultural Foundation)


About us


With love and serving searching for the truth, kindness, beauty and good in our lives

     Tien Cultural Foundation was set up on 26 April 1990 by Father Richard Wang, SJ(王敬弘神父), during his term served as Director of the Tien Educational Center. He noticed that the cultural activities provided by the Tien Educational center were not only popular among young people but also recognized by the society.  In order to meet the enormous needs of the society he came to merge and further extend the existing cultural projects of the center: 1) the cultural activities Division 2) the Young Writers Club 3) Mountain Service Corp and 4) Audio Visual Center. That was the first establishment of the Tien Cultural Foundation.  Ever since its social accomplishment had been honored by a series of official awards, which are most comforting and encouraging for the co-workers.  In the initial years father Wang also served the organization as chairman.

     The main goal of the foundation is:  to organize cultural and artistic activities elevating their standard, developing people’s individual personality and encouraging their social engagement.  Together in the group they are following the footsteps of the Jesus Christ with love and service searching for the truth, kindness, beauty and good in lives.

Youth Writers Club

     The young writers club was established on 1 July 1966 .  The main goals of the club was to give training to young writers, promoting their habits of studying literature and exploring the boundary of lives; while organizing serials of seminars, publishing books, maintaining contacts to the members and providing venue space for cultural events remain its main activities. 

     In the past 35 years, over 6000 youngsters have been taking part in numbers of its seminars.  More than 200 members have their works published in the leading newspapers and magazines regularly.  Some of them even become popular and successful writers of their time. 

Mountain Service Corp

     Mountain Service Corp was firstly established on 1 July 1967 and afterwards renamed as Tien Mountain Learning & Experiencing Workshop in 1993.  It was the first private organization in Taiwan ever aiming to focus on the needs of the aborigines on the island.  Young college and university students were motivated during the school vacations to entering remote mountainside as well as urban areas to making friends with the aborigines and giving assistance wherever needed.  By making personal experiences, young people are given the opportunities to improve their mutual understanding and culture exchange.

     Since 35 years, members of the  Mountain Service Corp have been carrying heavy loads of books, magazines and medicine into the remote Hsinchu Chien-shih(新竹尖石)mountainside and other urban aborigine living communities.  By giving  practical assistance to the aborigines through cooking courses, group entertaining, free medical treatment, legal consulting,  farming, school works and camping it improves not only their social understanding but also their adaptability to their environment.   At the same time it gives members of the mountain service Corp good opportunity for self- exploring and the joy of a maturing.   Since 1994 achievements of the Mountain Service Corp had been honored  numerously by winning the first prize of the public  service for their achievements given by the United Daily News Cultural Foundation.   

     In order to reinforce the service in depth and width,  the foundation took over the initiatives putting a service team together after the big earthquakes seriously damaged Taiwan’s remote mountain area in 1999.  Voluntary young aborigine students were mobilized under the leadership of Father Moses Kan, SJ (甘國棟神父)to return back to their home villages providing help and assistance needed.   Aborigine students experienced the true meaning of dedication through the service.  It also inspired their deep concern towards their homeland.    So they are willing to return to their home country, contributing and making the best use of what ever they have learned.

Tien Cultural theater troupe

     Tien Cultural theater troupe was established in 1976 and reorganized in 1991.    Beside the regular annual public performance we host the Art Festival inviting other theater groups for co-performance.  At the same time we receive invitations from elsewhere such as Tainan and Hsinchu for public performance.  1994 the group had won the 3rd prize in a theater competition.

The current projects of the foundation are as follows:

1.  Art festival/ Children theatre carnival 

     We invite young artist groups and providing them free venue space for the performance.   All the ticket income will be given to the group as support to their future development.

2.  Aborigine students seminars and home service workshop

     Commended by the aborigine committee of the Executive Yuen, during summer vacation 100 aborigine students are trained and spread out to various remote areas across the country to gaining life experiences and providing service in their home communities.

3.  Art Seminars

     A great variety of seminars are organized such as literature writing, classic music, painting & creation, architecture appreciation, photography skills etc.

4.  Public health seminars

     Seminars related to the health, life experience, vocation and education are hosted regularly

5.  Senior school

     We provide the opportunities for over 300 senior citizens with 10 different literature and culture seminars/courses so they can enjoy the joy of learning in old age. 

     Tien Cultural Foundation has been sharing lots of joy and sorrow with the youth for over a decade.  It provides them an environment to grow and become stronger. In the future the foundation will maintain its idea to sponsor more activities beneficial both for the country and the society through love and interaction.   With your concern it will keep on working for a fruitful cultural garden on Taiwan .




台北市中正區(10089)辛亥路一段22號4樓 4/F,No 22,Sect. 1,Hsin Hai Rd, Taipei 10089,Taiwan

Tel:(02)2365-5615  /  Fax:(02)2368-5130  /  E-mailtcfroc@tiencf.org.tw

財團法人耕莘文教基金會 All Rights Reserved


English Introduction









113年第2期課程 NEW




